How about Some Good News?

This world we’re living in can be so busy and difficult and distracting, and filled with the constant blaring of bad news, that sometimes it’s hard to remember that there are good things happening all over the planet all the time as well. I thought this week I’d just send a few sources for updates of this kind. Feel free to bookmark them and return whenever you need a reminder about all the great work being done. You may even be inspired to join in here or there! Even if not, it can be inspiring and heartening to read about uplifting news. I hope you enjoy and get a lift from these sources. Please feel free to share and help others around you remember the good as well!

Good News Network

Reddit Uplifting News

Heroic Stories

And just for fun, here’s a nice compilation of a bunch of good stories from 2019. See you next week!


Remember Reading for Fun?


Feeling Out of Phase?