Find a Furry Friend

Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.
— George Eliot

There’s so much for us all to be keeping up with right now that I wanted to make it brief again this week, but of course I still want to share some helpful information with you. I came across an article about how pets can help us maintain mental health, so I’m including that below. If you’re not a pet person, there are some cues you can take from it about benefits that could be generated in other ways, like playing with a human you love instead of an animal, so just read it with an open mind even if you don’t share your home with a pet.

Basically, humans are social creatures, and we feel good when we interact peacefully with other living beings. During these stressful times, make sure you’re reaching out to check in on friends, family members, and neighbors, and if you have the opportunity, make more of an effort that usual to play with and appreciate time with an animal. You’ll see here that it’s good for you!


So Much Togetherness


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